January 09, 2013


I constantly find myself saying the phrase, "how lucky am I?"  Everyday there are a million little moments that I feel so blessed I get to experience.  They may not be glamorous, they may not be pretty, they may not be significant... but they are all mine, and for that I am thankful.  I know there will be a point in my life that I will look back and wish I could relive these days, and hopefully these little bits will help me do so.  Enjoy!

1. Kurt's favorite gift this Christmas was these nesting/stacking blocks.  He can't even contain his excitement when we take them out. Oh, and knocking them down... does it get any better?

 2. Christmas is officially over our house.  We finally got all the decorations away and I gotta say... it feels good.  However, I did feel the need to keep this little guy around for a few more weeks.  He is wintery and cheery and makes me oh, so happy!

3. The other night Kris and I sat down and really docs into setting some goals for ourselves.  It felt good and helped ease some of the anxieties we are having over the future of our businesses since the hurricane.  Kris had learned this goal setting routine a few years ago, and I think it really helped me prioritize a lot.  First we briefly described the life we want to strive for and then we wrote down three five year goals and three one year goals each for four categories: Personal, Health, Career, and Financial.  They each had to be measurable and attainable.  It was really nice to sit down with one another over a glass of wine and talk about our future.  Try it... I highly recommend it.

4.  Packing.  I really dislike packing.  However it always seems to make me hang up the big pile of clothes on my floor and tackle the heaping mound of laundry.   But it's always followed by an adventure... and for that reason, I really like packing.

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