February 18, 2013
I am a big fan of snow... I always feel like if it has to be cold I would much rather it be snowy and pretty than grey and rainy. Plus, who doesn't love a snow day... a day dedicated to cozying up with the ones you love eating (and drinking) all day long!!! Last weekend Kurt got to experience his first snow day and it was pretty magical. We started the day by baking a blueberry breakfast cake while we waited for dad to finish shoveling... and then headed out to play. He didn't know what to think of it at first, but he quickly came around and had a blast.
February 15, 2013
In light of yesterday's negativity... I found this quote to be pretty fitting. I am having a much better day today and decided that it should be some sort of code that you don't get your period on Valentine's Day, because that my friends was a doozy. Enjoy your weekend!
February 14, 2013
So I have to admit that today I am not really feeling the love. Rather than seeing the day through rose colored heart shaped glasses I feel like hiding behind some seriously dark black frames. I really do have so much love in my life so I feel silly even writing these words, but lately I feel lost. The past five years have been quite the whirlwind and while I have gained so much along the way, now that I have the chance to sit back and take it all in I feel like I have lost myself along the way. My spark, you know the thing that makes you tick, not sure when, but somewhere along the way it flickered out. I constantly struggle trying to strike a balance between being a mom and being me, and I honestly never feel like I am doing either to the best of my ability. I truly believe that to be a good mom you can not loose focus of yourself and what you love. Well you guys, I've been searching... truly gut wrenching, list making, deep into my soul searching, and so far I've come up with nothing. I have free time that I have no idea how to fill, a mind full of ideas, but I am having a very hard time taking a leap. I am feeling discouraged, uninspired, and like I just don't measure up. I find myself constantly comparing myself to others which is an awful feeling that I am just not used to. I focused my entire college experience on "finding" myself (i know, so cliche... I literally just cringed writing that but it's true) and have always been very comfortable with who I am. But somehow lately I have been comparing, judging, and have let some jealousy sneak its way into my life here and there. Im trying, really trying to keep all these emotions in check, but the past few days, I have to admit they have gotten the best of me.
I have never been much of an open book, it usually takes me a long time to warm up to people, so it surprises me more than anything that I have chosen this as my place to voice and vent my struggles. Lately, this blog has become a way to hold myself accountable and really sort things out in my own mind, which is why I am sharing this way too personal information that I am very certain no one cares to read.
That concludes the pity party for now... I hope your day is filled to the brim with love, smiles, hugs, kisses, pretty pink hearts and all things warm and fuzzy. I am off to kiss a very little man who is sleeping upstairs while I remind myself of all the ways I am blessed (there are many, many, many way... this I know).
February 11, 2013
YOU ARE. YOU EAT. // Week 5
So this week I didn't do a whole lot of planning, and I was perfectly fine with that. We ate lots of leftovers, ordered pizza, ate at my sister's (who made really delicious chili that maybe she would like to share?) and then we had the best perogie's ever (thank's helen)... so there wasn't a whole lotta cookin' going on. We did however, do a little baking and tried out a few interest recipes I've been wanting to give a go. So here it is... Week 5.
Meal Plan//
1. Oven Roasted Chicken Thighs
2. Homemade Zeppoli's (by kris)
3. Brussels & Sausage Pesto
4. Blueberry Lemon Breakfast Cake
Shopping List//
2 quarts Canola oil (for frying)
Confectioner's sugar
Olive oil
Vanilla extract
1/3 cup pesto*
½ cup Buttermilk**
3 Eggs
Parmesan cheese
1 cup Ricotta cheese
½ cup Unsalted butter
Frozen peas
Bone-in chicken thighs (boneless works too)
Chicken sausage links (I used spicy Italian)
* Pesto- I made my own pesto... I just put a bunch of fresh basil, pecorino romano cheese, a few roasted pine nuts and olive oil in the food processor. So easy and so good.
** Buttermilk- This pretty much blew my mind, you can make your own buttermilk. I usually stay away from recipes that have buttermilk because I hate buying a whole carton just to use a little bit and the rest always goes bad. It is so easy to make with things you probably always have on hand... just place 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice (I used lemon juice) in a liquid measuring cup. Fill cup with milk until it reaches 1 cup and let stand for 5 minutes.
Meal Plan//
1. Oven Roasted Chicken Thighs
2. Homemade Zeppoli's (by kris)
3. Brussels & Sausage Pesto
4. Blueberry Lemon Breakfast Cake
Shopping List//
1 lb Brussel sprouts
3 large carrots (or a handful of baby carrots)
2 cup fresh blueberries
8 cloves garlic
2 Lemons
Sweet peppers
2 quarts Canola oil (for frying)
Confectioner's sugar
Olive oil
Vanilla extract
1/3 cup pesto*
(16 oz.) orecchiette, 1 lb. (or any pasta)
Baking powder
Garlic powder
½ cup Buttermilk**
3 Eggs
Parmesan cheese
1 cup Ricotta cheese
½ cup Unsalted butter
Frozen peas
Bone-in chicken thighs (boneless works too)
Chicken sausage links (I used spicy Italian)
* Pesto- I made my own pesto... I just put a bunch of fresh basil, pecorino romano cheese, a few roasted pine nuts and olive oil in the food processor. So easy and so good.
** Buttermilk- This pretty much blew my mind, you can make your own buttermilk. I usually stay away from recipes that have buttermilk because I hate buying a whole carton just to use a little bit and the rest always goes bad. It is so easy to make with things you probably always have on hand... just place 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice (I used lemon juice) in a liquid measuring cup. Fill cup with milk until it reaches 1 cup and let stand for 5 minutes.
2 quarts canola oil (for frying)
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 pinch salt
3 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs (beaten)
1 cup ricotta cheese
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup confectioner's sugar (for dusting)
Heat oil in a deep fryer to 375 degrees. (A deep fryer is probably the easiest way to keep the temperature consistent. We don't have one so kris used a candy thermometer in a deep frying pan.) The temperature of the oil is pretty important, so really keep an eye on it and keep it consistent.
Meanwhile, in a bowl combine flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Stir in eggs, ricotta cheese and vanilla, the batter will be sticky. (The recipe Kris was using said to mix all those ingredients in a saucepan over low heat until combined. He didn't think was necessary and just did it in a bowl, but yo can try this method if you'd like.)
Drop tablespoons of the batter in the hot oil. (If you are doing it in a frying an you will need to turn them, but they will turn themselves in a deep fryer.) Fry until golden brown, about 3 or 4 minutes and test to be sure that they are cooked through. Let them cool on a cooling rack covered with paper towels. (We made ours a little too big at first so the were too brown on the outside and not cooked enough on the inside... so be sure to keep them on the small size.)
These were so delicious... perfectly light and airy... you didn't need much but we did dust with a little powdered sugar.
Ok, so we eat this a lot around here... it is really simple you just prepare everything in the morning, let it marinate all day, and then pop it in the oven for about an hour. Everything in one dish and the chicken come super tender and all the veggies have that roasted, slightly caramelized goodness. I got this recipe from my friend Dana, who when we came to visit her new baby bay and toddler fed us this deliciousness. Oh yeah, we went to visit a new baby and she fed us... she's pretty much supermom. (And we are the worst visitors ever!) Needless to say I was pretty floored how she accomplsihed brushing her teeth that day, let alone this. Anyway she let me in on her little secret and gave me this recipe. Thanks Dana, I hope you don't mind me sharing!
bone-in chicken thighs (boneless works too)
1 lemon
olive oil
3-4 garlic cloves (minced)
garlic powder
rosemary (optional)
roasting vegetables:*
brussel sprouts
sweet peppers
frozen peas
* You can use a variety of vegetables, so try out some different ones. I pretty much just use whatever I have in the fridge, the list above is what I used this time around.
First clean your chicken and place in a large roasting pan and drizzle with olive oil. Wash your vegetables and chop up whatever needs to be cut. Place them in a bowl and toss with olive oil so they are all coated. Scatter your vegetables around the chicken in your roasting pan, Squeeze the juice of one generous sized lemon over the chicken and vegetables; season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, minced garlic and top with fresh rosemary.
Cover with foil and let it sit in your refrigerator for at least an hour or two.
Heat over to 375 degrees and roast until chicken is cooked through, about an hour. I finish it for a few minutes under the broiler to get it nice and crispy brown.
February 07, 2013
DISNEY WORLD // With a Toddler
I am finally getting around to posting a few pictures from our quick little trip to Disney last month. We also were there back in November for my families annual trip, which was also Kurt's very first time there. To us that was a big deal, a very big deal. We were very big Disney people growing up, let's just say my mom is a Disney College of Knowledge graduate... complete with mickey ears grad cap and all... oh yeah, big Disney people. I have very vivid memories of being there as a kid and dreaming of taking my own little one's there. Knowing what Disney means to our whole family everyone wanted to be there for Kurt's first trip. I mean people were calling him for there favorite rides months in advance. While we are so fortunate to have shared the experience with all of our loved ones (both sets of grandparent, both aunts and their significant others, a great grandmother, and our family friends with three of there own kids ages 11, 9, and 6) it was definitely a little overwhelming a times. A lot of people wanting Kurt's attention made it a little hard to sneak in naps. Mix that in with what I think is the unhealthiest food choices (more on that later) and plane germs and get yourself a poor little boy getting sick on his very first trip to Disney... even with all that working against us we had a magical time.
Our trip in January seemed to go a little smoother... It was only the three of us for a quick little trip while we were in Orlando for a trade show. It was way less planned (like, we booked a hotel through hot-wire an hour before we rolled into town) and yet seemed way easier. That being said along the way I picked up a few tips on tackling Disney with a toddler and thought it would be fun to share them here. It all can be a little overwhelming for everyone and if you are anything like me, you probably have pretty high expectations and want everything to go perfect. That leads me to my number one tip...
1. Be flexible. Traveling takes a lot out of everyone especially little ones, so try not to plan too many things and don't freak out if things aren't going according to your plan. You can make memories even doing the little things, that don't involve characters, lines, pictures, more lines. Let your little ones take it all in on our there own and call the shots. If they are having fun playing with a leaf, let them enjoy it, even if there is a parade going on in the background. Just let them soak in all the Disney magic on their own and try not to force anything on them, everyone will have more fun this way... trust me.
2. Meals. Ok this for me was a big one. Kris was so tired of hearing me complain about the quality of food choices, especially kids. During our first trip, we stayed on the Concierge Level of the Wilderness Lodge the first two days by ourselves before everyone met us there. This was made things really easy for us with Kurt for a few reasons. First, the concierge level is offered on Disney properties (not sure if every hotel has one) and they offer food and drink pretty much around the clock that you can help yourself to. They had milk so this made it really easy to give Kurt a bottle in the morning. Also, they had somewhat healthy options like fruits and vegetables and we were always gave Kurt a little something before we went anywhere. That way no matter where or when we got to eat I felt like he was taken care of. Plus I would grab 2 bananas each morning to have on the go. In addition to that I packed some of my own food and snacks for him like a few avocados, organic apple sauce, annie's cheddar bunnies, happy melts, organic raisins and some happy baby pouches. I never really fed these to Kurt as food when he started to eat but I like to keep one on me all the time so if Im ever in a jam I feel he is getting some nutrients. He likes the novelty of them because he doesn't really get them so its a win win for vacation food. Also, he doesn't normally eats snacks so these things also kept him pretty occupied on the plane. Once my parents got there we moved to The Beach and Yacht Club Vacation Club Villas which have a kitchen and they brought a bunch of food with them, so we were back in business. My parents only live two hours from Disney so they packed coolers but if you are traveling from far I saw they have this service that will let you place orders for groceries, diapers, and wipes delivered right to your hotel. I have to say I really has a hard time getting past the food situation our first trip. The second trip I eased up on myself a bit and had a little more of a "we're on vacation attitude". He got a few more chicken fingers and quite a bit of fries too... I even let him have a few bites of a Mickey Cookie and Creme Ice Cream Sandwich, at 8:00 pm wearing no pants during Pluto's dance party. Oh yeah, I let him live!!! I couldn't deprive him (more like me) twice of having that delicious chocolate smudged face. Even though I'm pretty sure someone (pop-pop) snuck him a bite last time. It was pretty much at that moment I realized that even though he was only 15 months old, he got it. He got that this was special and felt the magic.

On The Peoplemover with Nonna and Pop-Pop... while this doesn't quite capture the enjoyment, trust me, practically squealing the whole time. Oh, and notice the hands. :)
5. Bring a Change of Clothes. Ok, I know this is like parenting 101, but it's something I often forget. Well I thought I was pretty safe bring him an extra t-shirt and sweater. Ok, I was wrong. Why was I wrong... because there was a splash pad. Show this kid a splash pad, or fountain, or water and all bets are off folks. He spent a good 30 minutes in that thing until I had to physically remove him because his lips were blue, at which point he threw his very first tantrum. We dried him off (we had to buy a towel, you may want to bring one of those too) and changed his clothes and he spent the rest of the day pant less. (Hence, pant less dancing with Pluto).
We really do love Disney and look forward to many more trips together as a family. The whole time we were there Kris and I kept picturing our future saying "I can't wait to show him this" and I know that running around trying to get on as many rides as possible really isn't too far away. However, this time I was enjoying the slow pace of letting it all sink in and experiencing everything for the first time through his eyes.
Feel free to comment with any questions you have. I'm sure I will post a few updates as more tips come to me. I would love to hear about any experiences and tips you've discovered traveling with little ones.
little moments,
travel guide
February 06, 2013
YOU ARE. YOU EAT. // Week 4
This weeks menu//
1. Baked Potato Soup2. Turkey Tacos* with Avocado Sauce
3. Pork Tenderloin/ Rosemary Roasted Potatoes
4. Burger Night* with Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries*
5. Cacio di Pepe/ Garlic Sautéed Spinach
*Scroll down for a few notes on the menu items above.
Shopping List//
2 avocados
1 bunch cilantro
1 lime
1 carton of cherry tomatoes
1 red onion
1 mango
1 bag russet potatoes
3 sweet potatoes 1/2 cup finely diced celery
3 sweet potatoes 1/2 cup finely diced celery
1 head of broccoli
2 onions
7 cloves garlic
1 lemon
fresh dill
fresh parsley
worcestershire sauce
chili powder
chili powder
chipolte chili powder
ground cumin
garlic powder
onion powder
crushed red pepper
dry mustard
olive oil
soy sauce
red wine vinegar
1 box linguine
dry mustard
olive oil
soy sauce
red wine vinegar
1 box linguine
1 can organic black beans
1 can organic corn
1 package organic corn or flour tortillas
4 sourdough rolls
3 cups of vegetable broth
4 sourdough rolls
3 cups of vegetable broth
Feta Cheese
Plain Greek Yogurt
Cheddar Cheese (or choice of cheese for burger)
Grated Pecorino Romano
Grated Cacio di Roma
Shredded Cheddar
1 lb. ground beef
1 lb. ground turkey
1 lb. pork tenderloin
Also, include what ever burger topping you like!
Turkey Tacos- To make the turkey tacos i just brown the meat and add my own seasoning. (1/2 tsp. chili powder,
Cheddar Cheese (or choice of cheese for burger)
Grated Pecorino Romano
Grated Cacio di Roma
Shredded Cheddar
1 lb. ground beef
1 lb. ground turkey
1 lb. pork tenderloin
Also, include what ever burger topping you like!
Turkey Tacos- To make the turkey tacos i just brown the meat and add my own seasoning. (1/2 tsp. chili powder,
1/2 tsp. chipolte chili powder, 1 tsp. ground cumin, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 1 tsp. onion powder, 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper) Be sure to add a little water when simmering so the meat doesn't dry out, turkey is always a little bit dryer than beef. I make a little corn and black bean salsa combining black beans, corn, red onion, mango, cherry tomatoes, lime, and cilantro. Then everything gets topped with the avocado cream sauce and feta cheese. So delicious!
Burgers- To make your own burger patties, mix ground beef, 2 tbs. melted butter, 3 tbs. worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Form into patties and grill. Top with cheese and serve topped with your favorite fixings. Here's what we like to use; avocado, cheese, lettuce, sprouts, and our special sauce with olive oil mayo and ketchup and some secret ingredients! To make sweet potato fries I cut up sweet potatoes in 1/2 inch sticks, coat with olive oil, salt, pepper, and a little rosemary (optional) and bake in the oven at 400 degrees until browned and crispy. I finish it on broil for about a minute to really crisp it up, but be sure to watch closely because they can burn very quickly.
Pork Tenderloin- I completely followed this recipe. Then for the potatoes I did the same thing as sweet potato fries above but cut into 1/2" cubes.
Burgers- To make your own burger patties, mix ground beef, 2 tbs. melted butter, 3 tbs. worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Form into patties and grill. Top with cheese and serve topped with your favorite fixings. Here's what we like to use; avocado, cheese, lettuce, sprouts, and our special sauce with olive oil mayo and ketchup and some secret ingredients! To make sweet potato fries I cut up sweet potatoes in 1/2 inch sticks, coat with olive oil, salt, pepper, and a little rosemary (optional) and bake in the oven at 400 degrees until browned and crispy. I finish it on broil for about a minute to really crisp it up, but be sure to watch closely because they can burn very quickly.
Pork Tenderloin- I completely followed this recipe. Then for the potatoes I did the same thing as sweet potato fries above but cut into 1/2" cubes.
I made this in a crock pot but if you don't have one you can simmer it on the stove.
5 medium/standard-sized russet potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1/2-inch cubes
1/2 cup finely diced celery (approximately 3 stalks)
1 head of broccoli (chopped)1 onion, diced
3 cups of vegetable broth
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1/2 cup sharp cheddar, grated
a few cranks of ground black pepper
1 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
2 tsp fresh dill
greek yogurt
* I use all organic ingredients... especially the produce and think it makes a world of difference in taste.
Gather all your ingredients and chop all the veggies. Add the veggies, broth, garlic, butter, salt, and pepper to the crock pot. Set your crock pot to high and cook for 3-4 hours. Mash your potatoes, either with a wooden spoon or potato masher according to how chunky you want your soup. (Once again, with a toddler I like to leave it pretty chunky)Next, mix in, cheese, spices, and yogurt. Taste and season as needed and add toppings.
Recipe Source
February 04, 2013
I have always been a fan of Valentine's Day. Not that I care so much about the day but oh how I love all the cute little things that pop up this time of year. I always kind of think of it as a day to celebrate being a girl and like to do something nice for myself. Here's a few things I am looking:
1. a simple sentiment for your neck // $20.00
2. fill this little cutie up with treat // $16.99
3. wear your heart on your wrist // $22.00
4. loving the vintage/feminine feel of this // $68.00
5. neutral with a pop of color and lucite // $358 (it's fun to dream)
6. pretty much my staple // $14.00
happy things,
i heart,
lucky lady,
valentines day
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