With each day that goes by, this little guy becomes more and more fun. We have started calling him the mayor whenever we go somewhere... when he walks in a room he wants to walk around and wave to everyone saying hi. (I really hope I don't have a future politician on my hands). This kid is the friendliest, funniest little entertainer. And brains! Let's talk about his brains for bit... He is pretty verbal now (well at least we think so) and has quite a bit of a vocabulary under his belt. It amazes me every time he says a new word (It also amazes me when he licks the floor and chews shoes so keep in mind it's all relative). Not when I am sitting there repeating "love you" to him 10,000 times but the first time I point to an owl... "owuhl"! And just like that to me he's a genius. Here are some of the most popular words as of late:
nooooona. (nonna)
pop pop.
nana. (for both kris' mom and banana)
kikkee. (mickey)
yake. (jake and the neverland pirates)
yake. (jake and the neverland pirates)
beep. beep.
ahpuhl. (apple)
babbu. (bottle)
wawa. (water)
guk. (pacifier... what we call "nuk")
peeas. (please)
gank gu. (thank you.)
mwah. (kiss)
nigh nigh. (nite nite... followed by him walking over to the stairs pointing to his room)
coookee. (cookie... he some how picked this one up over the holidays)
aahht. (hot... for food, stove, candles, Christmas lights... everything is "aahht")
yesssh. (yes)
eyeaah. (yeah)
NO. (no... always with the finger pointed)
dish. dat (this and that)
hiii. (hi)
bye. bye. (with wave)
and animals... lot's of animals... with sounds.
kaht. (cat) maow. (meow)
koww. (cow) moooooo.
dahg. (dog) wufh. wufh.
fsssh. (fish)
ig. (pig) onkk. onkk.
heep. (sheep) baaaahhhhh.
unkee. (monkey) ah ah ah.
ion. (lion) arrrrrrrr.
(there's more... i know there's more... but for now this is all I can think of.)
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