March 31, 2010

she & him...

monday night i had a date with two lucky ladies (cori & sarah).

we saw she & him at bowery ballroom...
they were great.

zooey... you are very talented and a little bit strange... 
for that, i ♥ you.

here is a video from their new album... enjoy.

March 30, 2010


saturday we had a wedding, which really got me thinking about my own wedding and all the stuff that i haven't gotten done!!! i feel that this week i am really going to get a move on some things that i have been putting off for a while...

i need a list and i seem to cross things off quicker knowing i have posted it here? so here goes:

1. save the dates
(because they are supposed to be sent out in a day,
according to the "books")
2. call the church and reserve an officiant
(because i think it is pretty crucial to the wedding)
3. schedule appointment to look for bridesmaids dresses
4. book a band!
5. make an inspiration board!

March 24, 2010

and so it begins...

{photo via is photography}

woo hoo!!! today the rain finally let up and we have glimpses of sunshine... even though i have been suck inside working all day... it definitely helps to have a little sun peeking through my curtains...

i have been pretty busy the past few days... 

this weekend we opened up the shop for the first time this season... it was so nice out we had to rush to be able to open even if things weren't perfect...  we saw a lot of familiar faces and loved catching up with our lovely customers...

March 23, 2010

goodie goodie gumballs...

i am currently seriously lusting after this...
i need this pretty gold gumball machine sitting on the counter in my soon to be new kitchen!!!
it would be so much filled entirely with white gumballs, don't you think?

March 19, 2010

let's get physical...

{photo via hula seventy}

so i am not in the best physical condition... 
i am one of those fat skinny girls. you know the ones, they look slim on the outside but are in awful shape on the inside.  it's time. time to start taking a little better care of myself.  I hope that i am able to keep it up once the shop opens. actually, i hope to keep it up for a week. let's see what happens.  

my favorite ways to speed up my heart rate:
1. running
2. yoga
3. dancing

* UPDATE: still nothing... maybe when it gets nicer? maybe. *

March 18, 2010


lately i've had houses on the brain... majorly...

on top of planning a wedding and getting the shop ready we are basically completely rebuilding our house. ok, as much fun as all this sounds, it can be a little overwhelming.  while i like to consider myself pretty savvy with domestic decor, i've never had to think about all these things before (windows, doors, siding, roofing, trim, ect.)  and i constantly find myself back here starting at this picture.  
my dream house.

if you have never seen the movie before i suggest you do so immediately, it's magical and i love it.

March 17, 2010


today i am totally wishing we were back in ireland...

happy st.patrick's day...

March 15, 2010

more acts of kindness...

this commercial makes me happy, 
and restores my hope in humanity...

plus, i really love this song...

March 11, 2010

acts of kindness...

on our way into the city yesterday kelly and i took the bus.  she was seated in the seat in front of me when she turned and asked me if i had an extra pair of headphones. i said no.  with that a twenty something old guy sitting next to us handed her over the pair he was using.  she insisted no, but he said he had another pair.  
i thought that was just the kindest thing.  he could have just went on listening to his music and ignored her need for headphones (most people would).  though it was a small gesture, i thought it to be quite grand.  

it really got me thinking about how often you see people doing the nicest things.  i love when i happen to catch it, it makes me awfully happy.  

if you have any acts of kindness, please share. i'd love to hear.

curiouser and curiouser...

on monday we had a wonderland inspired day...
we started at alice's tea cup, and then walked to the imax to see 
"Alice and Wonderland"...

a few things:
alice's tea cup was great (the food, the tea, the dessert... fabulous!)  however, when we walked in we were seated in the back along with three new york city mothers and their daughters.  at first, they were all so cute with their party dresses and fairy wings.  however after an hour and a half of screaming, running, and crying... not so cute.  I usually never get annoyed with this sort of thing (they're kids, thats what they do) but this was different.  the waitresses had gone over to the table twice in the nicest manner asking the mothers to keep them seated at the table, and yet they did nothing. they just sat there and kept talking while their children disrupted and entire restaurant.  come on moms... really?

next, we walked to the imax for our scheduled 7:30 viewing...

1. dear lincoln center imax theater... why are you so confusing? why don't you have more staff on hand to direct people to their correct theater.  
2. dear man who tried to scalp us movie tickets... imax and 3D are not the same thing.  there was no need for the hostility.
3. dear people who must have been waiting online for hours... i wish i could have been in the imax theater with, but you took up all the tickets and instead we had front row seats to the 3D show.
4. dear front row seats... why do you exist? no one likes you. when i leave you i am in pain. please move to the back where you belong.  sorry for the bluntness, but its true.
5. dear person who brings a three year old to a screening of Alice in Wonderland and then leaves your child alone so they are crying in the middle of the movie "daddy" for 20 minutes... shame on you!

other than that i loved the movie (minus the dance scene?) 
helena bonham carter... you always amaze me!

March 05, 2010

today i'm as mad as a hatter...

Tim Burton's : Alice in Wonderland (Teaser) from Vanspauwen Glenn on Vimeo

it comes out today!!! 

i am so excited but am waiting until monday to catch it on the big screen...

we have a whole day planned... and i can't wait!

enjoy your weekend... i'll be spending mine in wonderland!

March 04, 2010

liberty of london for all...

march 14th 2010... i hope to be at target... buying this...
i can so see myself riding this bike to the post office every day...

March 03, 2010

it's just be-bopulation...

today is one of those gray days... 
i woke up and it was snowing/raining... 
my power has been going on and off all day...

i am wishing it was 1989 and kelly and i were home from school watching Disney's Sing Alongs "Fun With Music" and singing and dancing in our pajamas all day long... 
it's the perfect day for that...